On the Subject of Ultimate Cipher

All ciphering techniques are required to solve this module.

  • On the first page of the module, the top screen should show a 6 symbol word that has been encrypted.
  • The module has a minimum of 6 pages, one for the first screen, and at least two for each colored cipher.
  • Follow the necessary steps below to get your decrypted word to submit.

Step 1: Pigpen Cipher

Convert the 6 symbols on the top screen of page 1 to letters using the chart below:

Step 2–10: Colored Ciphers

The next 6 pages will select 3 out of the 18 color ciphers from this list. The letters are provided in color-blind mode to identify each cipher.

Any mention on the color cipher’s manual about the encrypted word refers to the 6 letter word you got from Step 1 in this manual. Use each color cipher mechanic in the order they appear on the module to decipher the encrypted word (Start at page 1, then 2, then 3, and so on).

NOTE: If the screens are white and the text is black, you are looking at an inverted version of the color cipher. Use the inverted rules down below of the following color it uses:

Once you finally have your decrypted word, you can submit it. Once you start typing, all the screens will go black and the bottom screen will show what you are typing.

To clear it, just click one of the arrows. This goes to one of the pages and clears any input you put in. It will not let you go over 6 letters on input.

Once you are satisfied with your input, press the button labeled “SUB” to submit your answer. On a strike, the module will go back to the first page of the module, but it does not regenerate.